My name is Ala, I’m originally from the Republic of Moldova, and 5 years ago, I emigrated to Germany in search of a better life and new opportunities. It wasn’t easy in the beginning and it still isn’t :). Working from home office, moving and less social active life here, helped me to know myself better, to love and appreciate myself more, as I grew up in a family with psychological shortcomings.

I can say that only here, I got to know myself better, I started to meditate, to work on myself, on the traumas of the past and to create more art. I have always been a perfectionist and I worked a lot in my profession, as a Web&Graphic Designer, I was a hard worker. Simultaneously with my move to Germany, I also had a professional burnout. The last straw was the opening of a company, which included a series of rules and bureaucracies, which put me on the ground, professionally.

The company consumed me a lot morally and financially, I was more at a loss. For 4 years now I have been in an internal conflict from which I cannot get out financially and don’t see a clear path where to go. All this time I was and I’m financially dependent on my partner. Over the years, I began to create more art and realized that this is what my soul strives for. However, in the art world it isn’t at all easy at first when you have no name and no acquaintances (here in Bavaria, acquaintances play an important role). I received countless refusals when I applied to regional exhibitions, museums, galleries. I also asked other artists in the area if they could help me with contacts, where I could apply and they shrugged, ‘We don’t know!’. However, last year I was able to join the group of artists from the region and presented my work publicly for the first time, in a group exhibition. I tried participating in regional art fairs, but it was more of a disappointment, than a gain.

I completed my Etsy profile Etsy, Saatchi Art, Balthasart but without promotion, there are minimal chances to be successful on these platforms. Also, I made me a website as an artist, on WordPress, based on a template, with minimal expenses, and last year my website was hacked and infected and I couldn’t recover the information. Now, I have to make this site, from scratch. But I didn’t tell you what art I do, I started with the graphics, with the gel pen, in which I put my soul, feelings, emotions, details, symbols. A way to release my emotions is abstract art, oil and acrylic paintings. I also work with resin, in combination with elements from nature, which I collect along my walks. I love nature, and in addition, I have a hobby – photography. Art doesn’t bring me money yet, but I want that and I understood that for the beginning, I could combine art with design, to bring me some money, until I start with art. I applied to countless companies with a CV, as a web graphic and designer, but again rejections. View my portfolio as a designer

Recently, I saw an advertisement on the window of a building in the city center where I live, that the space is now free and is for rent. A space of 51 square meters, with large windows, where I could place my works for sale and work inside – my atelier. In addition to the fact that I lacked financial income at that time, I also lacked socialization, since in Moldova I lived in the capital, and here in a small town in the suburbs, and I told myself that this atelier would be a good option for me, I will meet new people and continue to practice art. I met with the owner and he informed me that, the rent costs 450 euros/month and the minimum rental term is 1 year, money that I don’t have. Your help would be very helpful for me to start a new path as an artist.

The budget I need – minimum rent for one year: 5400 Euro.

See the full project (with video) on Kickstarter – you can donate here.

All copyrights to this article, belong exclusively to © Ala Botnarescu.