About me.

My name is Ala Botnarescu, with the pseudonym on Instagram of abstract_alunna. Originally from Moldova, I’m a graphic and web designer by trade. Since childhood I love to draw, and now my soul tends more and more to create art.

I’m an artist who explores abstract style, psychological themes and natural elements in my creations. In my work I use different techniques and materials.

In abstract painting – acrylic and oil paints; in graphics – gel pens and ink; in resin compositions – elements from nature.

I really like to try, experiment, new techniques and materials. For this reason, my portfolio is quite diverse.

I feel powerful in graphics because through them I reproduce my deepest emotions, inner world, life and topics that concern me.

Contact me

Portfolio Reviews


How do you assess the artist’s technique (in terms of colours, shapes, texture, and size)? What are your thoughts on the used material, medium, and process?

Studio Rö: Ala’s palette is eclectic, but perhaps go a little deeper into geometric shapes if you feel comfortable with this technique. If you like to explore different styles, you can, but you have to think in series.

What are the artist’s strengths?

Studio Rö: Her ability to explore different styles without worrying about the figurative aspect, but instead exploring the conceptual aspect.

Which is your favorite artwork and why?

Studio Rö: I like High ego most, because I love exploring traumas, fears, symbolism and the human condition, but it’s very personal and subjective – in this painting I feel that the artist has put a part of his soul into it.

What should they improve on or stop doing in general?

Studio Rö: I wouldn’t recommend stopping anything, but rather exploring and refining your style and what you want to communicate to the world – Art is very personal, we have to feel it in your work, we have to feel a strong emotion.